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We coupled g-C3N4 or chlorine modified g-C3N4 (Cl/g-C3N4) photocatalysis with ozonation for mineralization of oxalic acid (OA) under visible light. g-C3N4 and Cl/g-C3N4 could trigger a super synergy between photocatalysis and ozonation, with a coupling coefficient at 17.8 and 9.9, respectively. The great gap of redox potential between the conduction band of g-C3N4 and ozone greatly benefitted electrons captured by ozone molecules, and thus promoted charge separation and ozone self-decomposition into a growing number of hydroxyl radicals in a photocatalytic ozonation process. Besides, the influence of chlorine modification on g-C3N4 to photocatalysis and photocatalytic ozonation was also clearly stated.
Photocatalytic ozonation process
The photocatalytic ozonation was carried out at 25℃ under visible light (420-800nm) in a 450ml cylindrical borosilicate glass plate at the bottom.containing 300ml solution with 1 mmol(mm) of OA and 1 g/L of catalyst. The solution was irradiated under a 300W Xenon lamp(CEL-NP2000, Beijing China Education Aulight Co., Ltd), with a radiant flux of about 380mW/cm² on the surface.